Yyp2p ダウンロード for windows 自由.YYP2P for PC

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- Yyp2p ダウンロード for windows 自由


Once you add the camera on your phone, yyp2p ダウンロード for windows 自由 in to your yoosee account on your /23274.txt software and you will be able to watch посмотреть больше camera. The camera needs to be connected yyp2p ダウンロード for windows 自由 a network cable before you iwndows add it.

When the computer and camera are in the same network, yhp2p camera will be searched automatically. If the search does not work, yy;2p to add it manually. Manually add a camera, enter the device ID, the default passwordthe name can be entered windoas.

The device ID is on the label of the camera. File save path: Change the file save location Reserve space: the amount of hard disk space to save the file, the bigger the video save time, the longer it will be. Record time for package: default 60 minutes to yyp2p ダウンロード for windows 自由 once, reduce the time to reduce the probability of video loss, if 10 minutes to save once. Cycle Record: When wkndows storage space is full, it will automatically delete the earliest video files Ffor start record yyp2p ダウンロード for windows 自由 monitoring: After starting, the software will automatically start recording when you open читать Connect all of device automatically: After starting, open the software will automatically connect the camera Render Mode: If the video display is abnormal, try to change the mode Check for product updates on startup: Check the client version Monitor: Not recommended to change.

YOOSEE FOR PC. How to use yoosee computer software?. 内容 隐藏. How to use yoosee computer software? The first way. The second way. Key Description. CMS setting instructions. The first way. Double click the camera to watch the video. The phone did not add the camera, only use the computer to watch. Select admin login, username: admin without password.



Yyp2p ダウンロード for windows 自由.yyp2p camera


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